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New Item Overview
Custom Document & Template Builder
Variable Matrix (New)
🚶User & Account Management
3 articles
Add Credit & Direct Debit To Back Office
Roles & User Permissions
Add New User Account
🛍️Stock & Inventory
32 articles
New Item Overview
Creating and editing Item Types
Create Item Attributes
Overview of Composite & Bundle Items
CSV Import Template
Creating Items via CSV Import
Composite items importer
Variable items importer
View all articles in “🛍️Stock & Inventory”
6 articles
Create Manual Purchase Order
Automatic Purchase Orders
Creating Purchase Orders in Foreign Currency & control the FX Rate
Create a partial invoice for a purchase order and mark as paid
Create a purchase order via CSV Import
Create a Purchase Order in the Back Office
4 articles
Create Manufacturers & Manufacturing Locations
Create Simple Manufactured Items
Create Parent & Child Manufactured Items with BOMs
Create a Manufacturing Run on-site
13 articles
Create a Returns Document in the Back Office
Receiving a Return in the Back Office against an Open Returns Document
Create a Return on the fly in the Back Office
Returns: Exchange an Item ready for dispatch
Creating partial invoice and processing payment for a sale order
Create a sale order via CSV import
An overview of customers in Back Office
Create a New POS Channel
View all articles in “🏷️Sales”
7 articles
Listing to a WooCommerce website
Adopting eCommerce
Fast Shopify Listing
Edit Items on Shopify
Mapping Attributes In To eCommerce Channels
Add a new eCommerce channel
Store Scan Overview
9 articles
Goods Out Notes
Tote Packing Using the Back Office (PC) with Tote Picking on the Stock App
Create a simple Pick Rule to create a Batch Pick from open Goods Out Notes
Create a simple fulfilment rule to process Sales Orders
Editable Goods Out Notes
Manually create a pick list
Pick & Pack from barcoded Goods Out Notes
View all articles in “📦Fulfilment”
📈Reports & Power BI
3 articles
Power Bi: Connect Power Bi to your back office
Power Bi: An Overview & Introduction
Automated Replenishment
13 articles
Setting up Discounts: Steps and Their Uses
Setting up Discounts: Simple Discounts
Setting up Discounts: Advanced Discounts
Delivery Options
Integrating with Paymentsense
ePos Training
View all articles in “👜ePOS”
📱Stock App
14 articles
Stock App: Receive Goods In Against A Purchase Order Using BIN Locations
Stock App: Batch Picks Using Totes and Bin Locations
Stock App: Connect the Stock App to your back office
Stock App: Packing Goods Out Notes using "Totes"
Stock App: Stock Takes using BIN Locations
Stock App: Overview of Functions & Settings
Stock App: Create Returns on the Fly
Stock App: Move Stock Between Bin Locations
View all articles in “📱Stock App”
1 article
Accounting Integration & Mapping to Nominal Codes
4 articles
Creating a Variable Tax Class
Multi Currency: Select your Base Currency, Add Currencies & Set Exchange Rates
Set Base Currency For Trading
Custom Document & Template Builder
1 article
Reporting bugs to
🏫Training Webinars
2 articles
Webinar 1. Back Office Overview
Webinar 2: Items Overview
1 article
The Onboarding & Training Framework